Over The Table Top


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Get ready for a rummy-style card game like no other! In DIBS!!, 2-4 players compete to claim the best cards and outsmart their opponents in a game that’s all about timing, strategy, and calling DIBS on what you want most.

As cards are laid out in the center, players can call “DIBS” and place a token to claim a card for themselves. But be careful—other players can block your claim by placing their DIBS token higher up on the pile, cutting off your access. You’ll need to plan your moves carefully, as you can only place DIBS tokens higher, not lower. Collect the right sets of cards to score big, and watch as the tension and excitement build with every move.

Perfect for parties, DIBS!! brings fun and strategy together in a game that’s as exciting as it is unpredictable.

$1.00 to promote game

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